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The Role of On-Page SEO in Your Site Rankings

The Role of On-Page SEO in Your Site Rankings

The Role of On-Page SEO in Your Site Rankings

As you’re well aware, people are spending an ever-increasing amount of time online. If we want to know something about anything, we use the internet. For this reason, one of the most important things you can do for your website to achieve higher rankings in a search engine is to run successful SEO campaigns.

In case you didn’t know, “SEO” stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and it’s a vital function of exposing your business to the public eye. Creating a website is the first important step. Still, an even more critical step in this process is maintaining optimal SEO. Without the exposure that comes with SEO, it’s almost like not having a website at all.

In this post, we’ll give you the essential info on On-Page SEO. Always try to consider these tips before completing any On-Page SEO of your website. Before that, it’s good to know precisely why on-page SEO is essential. Here is the answer:

Why is on-page SEO important?

On-page SEO is vital for every website because it provides search engines with several signals to help the algorithms understand your content. When indexing and ranking results, search engines associate webpages with the most relevant keywords and terms users type in the search bar.

Through On-page SEO, you can decide which keywords on your site you want to be highlighted and ranked on which page.

Additionally, an optimized webpage helps to give you a better user experience overall by providing brief details on your company and product.

Hopefully, this provided a clear picture of SEO and On-page SEO importance. Now we can move on to the more detailed aspects of this critical tool.

Here are some SEO tips you can apply to your website today and quickly boost your exposure.

Optimize Page Titles and Meta Descriptions

This is SEO 101, but it is significant for any website. When the search engines ‘read’ your pages, among other things, they also check your page title and the description. The aim is to understand as much about the page as possible. The title, along with other factors (off-page SEO, domain authority, competition, etc.), will help determine your position in their index.

Page titles

Every page should have a unique title that gives users an overall idea of what the page is all about.

A page with the title “SEO Tips for Beginners” is far better than a page with the title “index.html.”

Page title optimization Tips

Try adding your focused keywords at the beginning of your page titles. Doing this will help search engines understand what keywords the page is targeting right from the start.

Remember, this doesn’t mean jamming as many keywords as possible into the title. You need your audience to comprehend the message clearly. If it’s not possible to put the keyword at the beginning, that’s perfectly fine. Just make sure that your target keyword is included in your title.

Try writing short and descriptive titles. The general recommendation is to keep them below 60 characters, which is the average amount according to Google search statistics.

Include numbers and power words. If you put numbers in the title as well as power words such as ultimate, actionable, fantastic, checklist, etc., this makes titles more exciting and increases your page’s CTR (Click through Rate).

There’s no need to include your domain in the title because Google will add this automatically. Make use of the 60 characters to provide an accurate description of the page.

On the other hand, if you have a strong brand that people easily recognize, including your domain in the title may be a good idea.

Meta Descriptions

This is the page description shown in the search engine results page (SERPS). It should be descriptive, up to 200 characters, and unique for each page.

The goal with this description is to convince your targeted users to visit your website rather than clicking on one of the other links.

Note: Google does not always show your provided Meta description. Many times if they think your description isn’t useful enough for the searcher, they use an automated description.

Meta description Optimization Tips

Try to avoid auto-generated descriptions. Even though Google may not use your description, it’s always best to avoid auto-generated descriptions that often don’t make any sense.

Add your target keyword(s) in the description. Google will always highlight the search terms in the title and description. Make sure these terms are relevant to your product and appealing to your hopeful new customers.

Keep these easy to follow tips in mind, and you’ll be ranking where you want to be in no time!

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